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EOT Wonderful Greece  


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N egades is an old traditional village which is built in side of venturous hill in dense oak and fir forests, in altitude 1.050 m. It is one from the oldest settlements of Zagori as it first inhabited at 1312 and took his name, from the first settler an entepreneur Georgio Nega. At the period the 17th and 18th century it mainly constituted one from the richest villages of region, because the pastime of his residents with the trade.

Negades In the centre of village dominates one from the most impressive churches of Epirus the temple of Saint George, which is the most imposing temple in all Zagori. It was erected in 1792 from the benefactor Hatzimantho Gkino. The church is royal with enormous dimensions. The central part is dedicated at the Agio Georgios, The north(left) at the Saint Trinity, while the south (right) at Saint Dimitrio. Notwithstanding the fact that the church is not separated in three particular and self-existent departments, it has nevertheless in Holy three particular Holy Banks as well as three Beautiful Gates. The elements that make the temple unique, are on the one hand the impressive gold-filled temple and on the other hand the eminent wall-painting, The murals includes depictions from all the memorable facts of the Old and New Will. However the most astonishing subject, and one of most infrequent in Greek Orthodoxe Temple, is the depiction of two important ancient Greeks and philosophers, precursors of Christianity, Aristotelis and Ploutarxos.

In Negades the combination of captivating natural beauty, delivery and hospitality of residents will satisfy and the most exigent visitor.